The LM1577/LM2577 are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all of the power and control functions for step-up (boost), flyback, and forward converter switching regulators. The device is available in three different output voltage versions: 12V, 15V, and adjustable. Requiring a minimum number .
include a 52 kHz fixed-frequency oscillator that requires no external components, a soft start mode to reduce in-rush current during start-up, and current mode control for improved rejection of input voltage and output load transients. Features Requires few external components NPN output switches 3.0A, can stand off 65V Wide input voltage range: 3.5V to 40V Current-mode operation for improved transient response, line regulation, and current limit n 52 kHz internal oscillator n Soft-start function reduces in-rush current during start-up n Output switch protected by current limit, under-voltage.
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