The BB909A, BB909B are variable capacitance diodes, fabricated in planar technology, and encapsulated in hermetically sealed leaded glass SOD68 (DO-34) packages. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tj = 25 °C; unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL IR rs Cd PARAMETER reverse current diode series resistance diode .
• Excellent linearity
• Matched to 2.5%
• Hermetically sealed leaded glass SOD68 (DO-34) package
• C28: 2.9 pF; ratio: 13.5
• Low series resistance. APPLICATIONS
• Electronic tuning in VHF television tuners, band B up to 460 MHz
• VCO. DESCRIPTION The BB909A, BB909B are variable capacitance diodes, fabricated in planar technology, and encapsulated in hermetically sealed leaded glass SOD68 (DO-34) packages. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tj = 25 °C; unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL IR rs Cd PARAMETER reverse current diode series resistance diode capacitance BB909A CONDITIONS VR = 28 V; see Fig.3 V.
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