These Complementary MOSFET half bridge devices are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density process is especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching performance, and withstand high energy pulses in the avalan.
N-Channel 5.7A, 30V, RDS(ON)=0.045Ω @ VGS=10V. P-Channel -4.0A, -30V, RDS(ON)=0.09Ω @ VGS=-10V. High density cell design or extremely low RDS(ON). High power and current handling capability in a widely used surface mount package. Matched pair for equal input capacitance and power capability . ________________________________________________________________________________ V+ P-Gate Vout Vout Vout N -Gate Vout V- Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VDSS VGSS ID PD Parameter Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Drain Current - Continuous - Pulsed Maximum Power Dissipation (Single Device) .
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