Document | DataSheet (378.81KB) |
The PALLV22V10 is an advanced PAL® device built with low-voltage, high-speed, electricallyerasable CMOS technology. The PALLV22V10Z provides low voltage and zero standby power. At 30 µA maximum standby current, the PALLV22V10Z allows battery powered operation for an extended period. The product te.
of the PALCE22V10. The PALLV2210Z is the low-voltage, zero-power version of the PALCE22V10. It has all the architectural features of the PALCE22V10. In addition, the PALLV22V10Z has zero standby power and an unused product term disable feature. The PALLV22V10 allows the systems engineer to implement a design on-chip by programming EE cells to configure AND and OR gates within the device, according to the desired logic function. Complex interconnections between gates, which previously required time-consuming layout, are lifted from the PC board and placed on silicon, where they can be easily mod.
Distributor | Stock | Price | Buy |
No. | Part # | Manufacture | Description | Datasheet |
1 | PALLV22V10Z |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Low-Voltage (Zero Power) 24-Pin EE CMOS Versatile PAL Device | |
2 | PALLV22V10Z-25 |
Advanced Micro Devices |
Zero-Power 24-Pin EE CMOS Versatile PAL Device | |
3 | PALLV16V8-10JC |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Low Voltage/ Zero Power 20-Pin EE CMOS Universal Programmable Array Logic | |
4 | PALLV16V8-10PC |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Low Voltage/ Zero Power 20-Pin EE CMOS Universal Programmable Array Logic | |
5 | PALLV16V8-10SC |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Low Voltage/ Zero Power 20-Pin EE CMOS Universal Programmable Array Logic | |
6 | PALLV16V8Z-20JI |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Low Voltage/ Zero Power 20-Pin EE CMOS Universal Programmable Array Logic | |
7 | PALLV16V8Z-20PI |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Low Voltage/ Zero Power 20-Pin EE CMOS Universal Programmable Array Logic | |
8 | PAL007 |
PAL007 | |
9 | PAL007 |
STMicroelectronics |
4 x 51W quad bridge car radio amplifier | |
10 | PAL007A |
Pioneer |
Power AMP | |
11 | PAL007E |
Pioneer |
Power AMP | |
12 | PAL008A |
Power AMP IC | |
13 | PAL013A |
Amplificador de Audio Pioneer | |
14 | PAL013A |
4 x 45 W Quad bridge car radio amplifier | |
15 | PAL10016P8-3 |
National Semiconductor |
3ns ECL ASPECT Programmable Array Logic |